Start » Filling & Cushioning Systems » PaperJet® Winder
When used in combination with the PaperJet® paper cushioning system, the Winder can be used to make extra strong coils from eco-friendly paper that has been awarded the Blue Angel. These are particularly suitable for protecting heavy goods and can either be produced in advance or manufactured just in time during the packaging process.
Both the diameter (min. 30 to max. 80 cm) and strength of the coil can be determined in advance to optimise your packaging process and conserve resources. You can select the paper padding coil you require using a rotary switch with three settings individually configured to suit your needs.
Each coil is also fixed automatically with an equally eco-friendly paper adhesive tape. Intelligent sensors signal a pending change of paper or adhesive tape to you so that an appropriate material supply can be assured in good time in the packing station.
The Winder has an intuitive display that, through images and text, guides the user reliably and quickly through different application and maintenance steps. The Winder impresses through its high level of performance, and its compact design means that it only requires about 2 EUR pallet spaces.
In addition, you can also use the PaperJet® independently to manufacture strong paper padding for filling and padding out shipping cartons in your further shipping processes.
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Your advantages:
Strong protection for heavy shipping items
Extra strong coils in individual sizes
Always flexible
“Just-in-time” paper coils or centralised pre-production
Ergonomic & healthy
Varied equipment options for a convenient packing process
Additional advantage – PaperJet® is “autonomous”
Manufacture of resilient paper cushioning for shipping
The best for the environment
100% Recycled paper
Our eco-friendly filling and padding papers are Blue Angel award winners and certified by the FSC®. They consist of 100 % recycled paper with no added virgin fibres, optical brighteners or refining agents which are harmful to health.
Conserving the environment & resources
Consistent use of 100% recycled paper preserves and protects our forests and waters. When compared to virgin fibre paper production, our products save over 70% of the water, 60% of the energy and 100% of the wood required while, additionally, generating considerably lower CO
Your one-stop provider – Made in Germany
Our production conserves resources and is realised exclusively in Germany to the latest technical standards – with the assurance of ISO 50001 certification.
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Sprick GmbH Bielefelder Papier‑
und Wellpappenwerke & Co.